Author:Vasil Penchev

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Achilles and the Turtle, Aletheia, anthropogenesis, anti-metaphysical turn in philosophy, Aristotle, arithmetic, arithmetic mechanics, Arithmetics, Asimov’s “Profession”, Atom, axiom of (transfinite) induction, axiom of choice12, axiom of induction2, axiom of transfinite induction2, Big Bang, bit and choice, bit and qubit5, bit of information, BKS theory, Boltzmann, Boolean algebra3, Bose-Einstein Statistics, Carl Linneaus, Carnot, category theory, causality, causation, Chemical transformation, choice15, choice and well ordering, classical and quantum information2, classical quantum mechanics2, coherent state, Complementarity, completeness4, Completeness of quantum mechanics, complex probability, computation time, confinement3, Consciousness, conservation, consistent completeness of mathematics and physics unification of mathematics and physics, contemporary state of physics, counterfactual history, Course of time, creation, cut elimination, cybernetics, cyclicity, dark and light phases of the universe, dark energy3, dark energy and dark matter, dark matter4, dark matter vs dark energy, demarcation of science to metaphysics, determinism, Determinism and Indeterminism, dialectical logic, discrete reference frame, dual axiomatics, duality, eidetic or phenomenological or transcendental reduction epoché, eidetic reduction3, Einstein4, Einstein vs quantum mechanics, Einstein’s “Mach’s principle”, elements and system, Emmy Noether’s theorems of conservation, Energy2, energy conservation4, energy conservation in quantum mechanics, entanglement13, entanglement theory of gravitation, episteme, Epoché4, epoché to reality, EPR2, epsilon calculus, Equality, equilibrium, eternal normal science, Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries, evolution and future of homo sapiens, evolutionary tree, Fermat Last Theorem, Fermat's last theorem, Fermat’s Last Theorem4, Fermi-Dirac Statistics, Feyerabend’s “Against Method”, Feynman interpretation of quantum mechanics, Feynman pathway, Fifth postulate of Euclid, finiteness, finitism2, first-order logic, formal and mathematical semantics, formal phenomenology, formal transcendentalism, foundations of mathematics2, Four-Color Theorem2, frame2, frame and reference frame, frame semantics2, free will2, free will theorems2, freewill2, freewill theorems, Fukuyama’s “end of history”, Fundamental Ontology, Gadamer, General Relativity6, general relativity and quantum gravity, Gentzen arithmetic, Gentzen proof of completeness, Gibbs, Gibbs and Boltzmann thermodynamics, Gleason Theorem, Gleason’s theorem2, goal, God, gravitation2, gravity, Gödel2, Gödel Incompleteness Theorems, Gödel mathematics4, halting problem, Hamilton representation, Hegel2, Heidegger3, Heidegger's Aletheia, Henkin's propostion, hermeneutical circle, Hermitian and non-Hermitian quantities in quantum mechanics, Heyting Arithmetic, hidden variables, hidden variables in quantum mechanics, Hilbert arithmetic13, Hilbert arithmetics, Hilbert mathematics5, Hilbert Program2, Hilbert space7, Hilbert space of quantum mechanics, historical dialectics, historical hhenomenology, historical objectivity, historical phenomenon, historical reduction, historical subjectivity, Historiography, history as intention, hominization, Husserl4, Husserl reductions, Husserl's Phenomenology, Husserl’s phenomenology, idempotency and hierarchy, identity, incompleteness2, indeterminism, induction, infinite computation3, infinite descent, Infinity, information11, information and quantum information2, Information Conservation, information of infinite sets or series, Information symmetry, interpretation of quantum mechanics, invariance to the discrete and continuous, Kochen and Specker theorem2, Kochen and Specker’s theorem, Kochen-Specker theorem2, Kolmogorov’s axiom of probability, lagrange representation, language2, Leibniz, Lewis Carroll’s paradox, light and dark phases of the universe, Lob's theorem, Lobachevsky geometry, locality and nonlocality3, logic, Logicism2, Mach’s “economy of thought”, Mamardashvili, many-worlds interpretation of QM, mass3, mass at rest, Mathematical history, matrix mechanics, matter, matter and energy, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, measure, measurement in quantum mechanics, metaphor2, Michel Foucault, mind, Minkowski space3, modal history, model, Model and reality, modernity versus postmodernity, Nash's equilibrium, Natural argument, natural historical cybernetics, ncompleteness, negative probability, Neumann's equilibrium, NOEMA, NOESIS, Noether theorems of conservation, nonstandard bijection, nonstandard Peano arithmetic, normal science, normal science versus scientific revolutions reasonability versus sociability, observer, Occasionalism, Ontology, ontomathematics3, oppostion, order2, ordering, P vs NP, paradigm, paradox of the arrow, parts and whole, Pauli’s particle paradigm2, Peano arithmetic10, Perelman’s proof, Periodic Table2, phenomenological and transcendental reduction, phenomenological and transcendental reductions, phenomenological reduction, phenomenological thermpdynamics, Phenomenology3, physical and mathematical transcendentalism2, physical entity, Poincaré conjecture, Poincaré’s conjecture2, Principia Mathematica, principle of least choices, principle of universal mathematizability2, Probabilistic Causation, probabilistic interpretation of QM, probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics, probability, proposition, propositional logic4, pseudo-Riemannian space3, Pythagoreanism4, Quality, quantity, quantum, quantum chemistry2, quantum computer8, quantum computer as a Turing machine generalization, quantum correlation, quantum entanglement3, quantum gravity4, quantum holism, quantum indistinguishability, quantum information40, quantum-information conservation5, quantum invariance, quantum logic, quantum measurement, quantum mechanics5, quantum occasionalism, quantum Turing machine3, qubi, qubit14, qubit Hilbert space7, qubit Hulbert space, qubit space (qubit Hilbert space), reality2, reference frame, representation, Reverse Causality2, Riemann geometry, Riemann space curvature, Russell2, Schizophrenia, Schrödinger equation, science versus society, Scientific Revolutions, separable complex Hilbert space2, set and set theory, set theory6, set theory and logic as Boolean algebra, Skolem's paradox, Sokal’s hoax, space-time, Special and general relativity, standard model2, statistical thermodynamics, still more general principle of relativity, substance, symmetries of information, teleportation, the Big Bang, the ether, the Liar’s paradox, the self, the standard model4, the totality4, The Universe, the “Big Bang”, theorems of Noether (1918), thinking versus calculation, Thomas Kuhn, time5, totality2, transcendental Consciousness, transcendental history, transcendental invariance, transcendental reduction, transcendental time, Turing machine4, two complimentary arithmetics, uantum information, undulatory mechanics, Unitarity2, unitarity and non-unitarity, unity of mathematics and physics, Universal Logic, universal pattern recognition2, universal taxonomy, vector space, wave function, wave-particle duality2, well-ordering9, well-ordering principle, Well ordering theorem, Wiles’s proof, Wittgenstein, Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problem, “George Platen”, “Symbol and Consciousness”.