a |
admissibility | A System for Evaluating the Admissibility of Rules for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic |
Andrews-Curtis conjecture | Towards computer-assisted proofs of parametric Andrews-Curtis simplifications, II |
arrays | On SMT Theory Design: The Case of Sequences |
automated reasoning | Automated Reasoning with Tangles: towards Quantum Verification Applications Towards computer-assisted proofs of parametric Andrews-Curtis simplifications, II |
automated theorem proving | Automated Theorem Proving for Prolog Verification |
b |
base conversion | Numeric Base Conversion with Rewriting |
Bubble Sort | Certification of Tail Recursive Bubble--Sort in Theorema and Coq |
c |
certification | Certification of Tail Recursive Bubble--Sort in Theorema and Coq |
combinatorial group theory | Towards computer-assisted proofs of parametric Andrews-Curtis simplifications, II |
Coq | Certification of Tail Recursive Bubble--Sort in Theorema and Coq |
d |
Description Logics | A Case for Extensional Non-Wellfounded Metamodeling |
f |
Fusion | On Symbolic Derivatives and Transition Regexes |
g |
guarded commands | Alternate Semantics of the Guarded Conditional |
i |
Inductive proofs | On Proof Schemata and Primitive Recursive Arithmetic |
Inferentialism | A System for Evaluating the Admissibility of Rules for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic |
intuitionistic logic | A System for Evaluating the Admissibility of Rules for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic |
involutory quandles | Automated Reasoning with Tangles: towards Quantum Verification Applications |
k |
knowledge representation | A Case for Extensional Non-Wellfounded Metamodeling |
l |
logic | On SMT Theory Design: The Case of Sequences A System for Evaluating the Admissibility of Rules for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic |
logic programming | Automated Theorem Proving for Prolog Verification |
lookahead | On Symbolic Derivatives and Transition Regexes |
m |
Metamodeling | A Case for Extensional Non-Wellfounded Metamodeling |
n |
Natural-style Proving | A Natural-style Prover in Theorema Using Sequent Calculus with Unit Propagation |
nondeterminism | Alternate Semantics of the Guarded Conditional |
numeric bases | Numeric Base Conversion with Rewriting |
o |
Ontologies | A Case for Extensional Non-Wellfounded Metamodeling |
operational semantics | Alternate Semantics of the Guarded Conditional |
p |
partial correctness | Automated Theorem Proving for Prolog Verification |
primitive recursive arithmetic | On Proof Schemata and Primitive Recursive Arithmetic |
Prolog | Automated Theorem Proving for Prolog Verification |
Proof Schema | On Proof Schemata and Primitive Recursive Arithmetic |
proof theory | A System for Evaluating the Admissibility of Rules for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic |
proof-theoretic semantics | A System for Evaluating the Admissibility of Rules for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic |
propositional logic | A Natural-style Prover in Theorema Using Sequent Calculus with Unit Propagation |
q |
quantum verification | Automated Reasoning with Tangles: towards Quantum Verification Applications |
s |
Satisfiability Modulo Theories | On SMT Theory Design: The Case of Sequences |
sequences | On SMT Theory Design: The Case of Sequences |
sequent calculus | A Natural-style Prover in Theorema Using Sequent Calculus with Unit Propagation |
set theory | A Case for Extensional Non-Wellfounded Metamodeling |
SMT | On Symbolic Derivatives and Transition Regexes |
sorting | Certification of Tail Recursive Bubble--Sort in Theorema and Coq |
symbolic automaton | On Symbolic Derivatives and Transition Regexes |
t |
tangles | Automated Reasoning with Tangles: towards Quantum Verification Applications |
temporal logic | On Symbolic Derivatives and Transition Regexes |
term rewriting | Numeric Base Conversion with Rewriting |
termination | Automated Theorem Proving for Prolog Verification |
Theorema | Certification of Tail Recursive Bubble--Sort in Theorema and Coq A Natural-style Prover in Theorema Using Sequent Calculus with Unit Propagation |
u |
Unit Propagation | A Natural-style Prover in Theorema Using Sequent Calculus with Unit Propagation |
v |
verification | Automated Theorem Proving for Prolog Verification |