CLLS 2018: Keyword Index

Allen's interval algebraFormal Representation of Temporal Expressions
coherent textsUsing Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentiment Attitude Extraction from Analytical Texts
Construction GrammarDefining discourse formulae: computational approach
Convolutional Neural NetworksUsing Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentiment Attitude Extraction from Analytical Texts
corpus-based studyA Corpus-based Study of Japanese Verb Paradigms (Preliminary results)
discourse formulaeDefining discourse formulae: computational approach
document retrievalThree-stage question answering system with sentence ranking
Early IrishLemmatisation for under-resourced languages with sequence-to-sequence learning: A case of Early Irish
entity extractionDefining discourse formulae: computational approach
extraction of term definitionTerminological Information Extraction from Russian Scientific Texts: Methods and Applications
feature extractionIrony and sarcasm expression in Twitter
Genre ClassificationGenre Classification Problem: in Pursuit of Systematics on a Big Webcorpus
glossary creationTerminological Information Extraction from Russian Scientific Texts: Methods and Applications
hybrid machine learning modelsAn Experimental Study of Hybrid Machine Learning Models for Extracting Named Entities
Information ExtractionEvaluating measures of semantic relatedness for Russian language
interval temporal logicFormal Representation of Temporal Expressions
Japanese dictionaryA Corpus-based Study of Japanese Verb Paradigms (Preliminary results)
Japanese languageA Corpus-based Study of Japanese Verb Paradigms (Preliminary results)
lemmatisationLemmatisation for under-resourced languages with sequence-to-sequence learning: A case of Early Irish
lexico-syntactic patternsTerminological Information Extraction from Russian Scientific Texts: Methods and Applications
machine learningDefining discourse formulae: computational approach
Genre Classification Problem: in Pursuit of Systematics on a Big Webcorpus
Verb Construction As A Feature Of Genre Classification
machine-learning-based NERAn Experimental Study of Hybrid Machine Learning Models for Extracting Named Entities
morphological parsingAutomatic morphological analysis on the material of Russian social media texts
morphological taggingAutomatic morphological analysis on the material of Russian social media texts
Named Entity RecognitionAn Experimental Study of Hybrid Machine Learning Models for Extracting Named Entities
Natural Language ProcessingAutomatic morphological analysis on the material of Russian social media texts
Evaluating measures of semantic relatedness for Russian language
Irony and sarcasm expression in Twitter
Defining discourse formulae: computational approach
Lemmatisation for under-resourced languages with sequence-to-sequence learning: A case of Early Irish
natural language semanticsFormal Representation of Temporal Expressions
neural networksAutomatic morphological analysis on the material of Russian social media texts
An Experimental Study of Hybrid Machine Learning Models for Extracting Named Entities
Lemmatisation for under-resourced languages with sequence-to-sequence learning: A case of Early Irish
ngrams corpusA Corpus-based Study of Japanese Verb Paradigms (Preliminary results)
POS taggingAutomatic morphological analysis on the material of Russian social media texts
Question AnsweringThree-stage question answering system with sentence ranking
ranking systemThree-stage question answering system with sentence ranking
Recurrent Neural NetworkThree-stage question answering system with sentence ranking
Rule-based term extractionTerminological Information Extraction from Russian Scientific Texts: Methods and Applications
semantic relatednessEvaluating measures of semantic relatedness for Russian language
Sentiment AnalysisUsing Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentiment Attitude Extraction from Analytical Texts
sequence-to-sequence learningLemmatisation for under-resourced languages with sequence-to-sequence learning: A case of Early Irish
social media textsAutomatic morphological analysis on the material of Russian social media texts
statistical analysisIrony and sarcasm expression in Twitter
subject index constructionTerminological Information Extraction from Russian Scientific Texts: Methods and Applications
taggers for RussianAutomatic morphological analysis on the material of Russian social media texts
temporal expressionsFormal Representation of Temporal Expressions
text classificationGenre Classification Problem: in Pursuit of Systematics on a Big Webcorpus
under-resourced languagesLemmatisation for under-resourced languages with sequence-to-sequence learning: A case of Early Irish
Universal DependenciesAutomatic morphological analysis on the material of Russian social media texts
Verb Construction As A Feature Of Genre Classification
verb conjugationA Corpus-based Study of Japanese Verb Paradigms (Preliminary results)
verb constructionVerb Construction As A Feature Of Genre Classification
verb paradigm studyA Corpus-based Study of Japanese Verb Paradigms (Preliminary results)
web corpusGenre Classification Problem: in Pursuit of Systematics on a Big Webcorpus
Wikipedia MiningEvaluating measures of semantic relatedness for Russian language