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The Role of Automated Barista Robots in Improving Service Quality and Customer Experience in Business Retail

EasyChair Preprint 15853

10 pagesDate: February 21, 2025


This study investigates the role of automated barista robots in improving service quality and customer experience in retail businesses. With increasingly sophisticated technology, robotic systems are changing customer interactions. Although automation technology is becoming popular in various countries, most of the research is still limited regarding the use of Barista Robots in influencing customer experience. This research aims to investigate and find out how automated barista robots' supportive interactions affect customer experience (CE) in coffee shop in Business retail, then to find out service delivery (SD) mediates the relationship between service robot quality (SRQ) and perceived quality (PQ). The novelty of this research is customer interaction and customer experience when using Barista Robot services. This research uses a quantitative method where data is collected with a questionnaire survey with statements using a Likert Scale using negative options on one side, neutral, and positive options on the other side. The data collected was then analyzed using SEM-PLS for analysis with mediating variables. The results of the study show that SRQ does not have a significant influence on CE but has an influence through SD, which is customer experience more influenced by customer perceptions of the services delivered by Barista Robots. Then, PQ has a significant influence on CE but does not have a significant influence through SD, meaning that customer perceptions of Barista Robots Technology through brand reputation and customer expectations have a more direct influence than service delivery.

Keyphrases: Service robot quality, customer experience, perceived quality, service delivery

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Leandrea Audrey and Jesline Kesya and Yolanda Ardian and Ichwan Masnadi and Tiurida Anita},
  title     = {The Role of Automated Barista Robots in Improving Service Quality and Customer Experience in Business Retail},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15853},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2025}}
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