Download PDFOpen PDF in browserTelematic Medical Audiovisual Platform, a Technological Proposal for Closed Medical ServicesEasyChair Preprint 1024311 pages•Date: May 23, 2023AbstractIn the development of the socialization and computerization processes of the public health sector, a very high level of global technological development, for Cuba and the public health sector, this requires a change of perspective in the advances of the policies defined for Its sustainable development. This issue proposes the design and construction of a telematical medical audiovisual platform aimed at closed hospital services, with the aim of establishing the basis for achieving technological and smart hospitals. It is about this criterion that declare national legal regulations, international standards and protocols of the health sector, They fulfilled interoperability policies and technological sovereignty by the State. For its development, different technological and medical criteria were analyzed, which gives rise to its design, construction and installation in two operating rooms within the Northern Maternal Hospital “Tamara Bunke Bider” of Santiago de Cuba. Keyphrases: Interoperabilidad, hospitales tecnológicos, plataforma audiovisual., soberanía tecnológica, tecnología sanitaria