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"Production Line" for Standardised Creation of Services of Public Administrations

EasyChair Preprint 15859

11 pagesDate: February 21, 2025


End-to-end digitalized citizen services, in accordance with the Online Access Act (OZG), require a systematic, structured approach to ensure high quality, efficiency, and legal compliance. The results of the working group open design of digital architectures of public administrations (AG openDVA) regarding the path from the legal text to the digitized service, which was presented in 2024 and has been pursued, have since been found in a ‘production line’ for the effective development and provision of smart citizen services. The starting point is user stories collected in public administration. With the help of the FIM methodology, structured and standardized master information on the administrative service itself, processes, and data fields is collected based on the action. Decisions are modeled with rule mapping at the respective process steps of the master process. Legal conformity is checked by the legislative authority immediately after the modeling and thus forms the basis for implementation. Knowledge graphs describe and link this knowledge and make it available in a machine-interpretable form. Various platforms can search for and visualize this knowledge, make applications available, and expand it in the future. After transforming knowledge into process and data field information, an initial procedure is created that is enriched with further information. FIM standards and basic services such as FIT-Connect ensure interoperability with other (public authority) systems. Only after comprehensive functional and acceptance tests and successful validation can digitized citizen services be provided and iteratively improved based on monitoring and user feedback. This ‘production line’ for creating OZG-compliant services offers a well-thought-out, iterative process that ranges from analysis to continuous optimization. A clear structure and focus on standards, usability, and legal compliance ensures that services meet the requirements of all stakeholders.

Keyphrases: Ende-zu-Ende Digitalisierung, Ontologie, Prozesse in der öV, RDF-Format, Semantic Web, Wissensgraph, standardisierte Bürgerservices

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Lisa Brunzel and Clemens-Alexander Brust and Antje Dietrich and Maximilian Enderling and Tim Fritzsche and Marianne Mauch and Sirko Schindler and Jörg Schröder and Christoph Unger},
  title     = {"Production Line" for Standardised Creation of Services of Public Administrations},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15859},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2025}}
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