ICBATS2025: 3rd International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security The British University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE Dubai, UAE, May 1-2, 2025 |
Conference website | https://icbats.ac |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icbats2025 |
ICBATS2025 Call for Paper Link
The International Conference on Business Analytics for Technology and Security (ICBATS-2025) marks the third edition of this esteemed conference series, dedicated to advancing knowledge and fostering collaboration in the field of technology. ICBATS aims to unite leading academicians, scientists, researchers, and practitioners from around the globe to share innovative ideas and the latest advancements across a wide range of topics, including: IoT, Applied Sciences and their Emerging Technologies, Business Analytics for Technology, Machine Learning & Deep Learning, Web Technologies, Networking & Communication, Intelligent IS & Business Analytics, Big Data & Data Analytics, Cybersecurity & Privacy, Blockchain Technology, Autonomous Vehicles and Drones, e-Learning & m-Learning Systems, Computer Vision & Image Processing, and Metaverse Convergence. With increasing demands for sustainability and innovation, there is an urgent need to explore the synergy between emerging technologies and business analytics. ICBATS offers a premier platform for intellectual exchange, focusing on leveraging data-driven insights and technological breakthroughs to drive sustainable development, enhance decision-making, and address pressing global challenges. ICBATS will be hosted by the British University in Dubai and Mazoon College in Oman, in collaboration with strategic partners including Center for Cyber-Physical Systems of Khalifa University, Cyber Security Center of University of Dubai, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Skyline University College, University of Buraimi, École Spéciale de Mécanique et d'Electricité, United Software and Technologies International, Ghazal Leading Projects, and Cihan University-Erbil. These distinguished institutions are renowned for their academic excellence, innovative research, and commitment to fostering thought leadership. Their dedication to advancing global knowledge and sustainability makes them the ideal hosts for this prestigious conference. The accepted papers will be published in the ICBATS proceedings and will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meet IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
Submission Guidelines
The ICBATS paper submission and review processes will be entirely electronic and will be conducted online using EASYCHAIR as described below:
Paper format / IEEE format: https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html
- Authors who intend to participate in the conference require to register with the EasyChair on-line submission system and then use it to submit their full papers.
- Full paper submission should be completed on or before “Paper Submission” deadline as listed in the Important Dates.
- The submitted full papers will be peer reviewed, using the online review system, by experts selected by the conference Technical Program Committee for their demonstrated knowledge of relevant fields. The result of the review process will be published on this website, and authors will also be informed by email. Review result will be ready by the “Review Decision Notifications date”.
- Authors of accepted papers are required to prepare a final version of their paper and will submit it using the EASYCHAIR online submission system. The version of the final manuscript will be significantly the same as the submitted full paper but will take into account the reviewers’ comments. The final paper must be completed and submitted on or before “Final Submission and Author Registration” deadline.
- The final version of an accepted paper will appear in the conference proceedings provided that at least one of the authors registered. This must be carried out on or before the “Final Submission and Registration” deadline.
- ICBATS conference follows the IEEE “No-Show Policy”, which states that it is up to the Conference Committee’s discretion to allow “no shows” to be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. If a change is made to a paper after its acceptance to a conference, IEEE recommends that the Program Committee review the final paper.
- Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Please make sure that you put the conference name (ICBATS) and the paper number, assigned by the online submission system, on all correspondence.
Authors are required to complete the procedures in the following list before the specified deadlines. Detailed guidelines for each of these procedures are provided below:
- Step 1: Complete a properly formatted paper.
Papers should be formatted for standard A4 size paper using IEEE conference proceedings templates: Word Template: conference-template-a4 Latex Template: conference-latex-template For more information, refer to Use the following guidelines while preparing your paper:
You are allowed a total of 6 pages: This is the maximum number of pages that will be accepted, including all figures, tables, and references. Although not encouraged, authors can have papers longer than 6 pages, but not exceeding 8 pages. Each of the extra two pages will incur a fee. Any paper that exceeds the 8-page limit will be rejected without review.
All papers must be in English. Page size and margins. Papers should be formatted for standard A4 size (210 x 297 mm) paper. All printed material including text, illustrations, and charts, must be kept within the print area. The top, bottom, left, and right margins and the space between the two columns must be as set in the templates and not changed.
To achieve the best viewing experience for the review process and the conference proceedings, Times-Roman font must be used. If a font face is used that is not recognized by the submission system, your paper will not be reproduced correctly. Use font sizes as used in the template.
The title should be centered and in 24-points size. Do not use LaTeX math notation (e.g., $x_y$) in the title; the title must adhere to the Unicode character set. Also try to avoid uncommon acronyms in the title.
Author list
The authors’ name(s) should appear below the title with capital and small letters. The authors’ affiliation(s) should appear below the names with capital and small letters. The order of the authors on the document should exactly match in number and order the authors typed into the online submission form.
Each paper should contain an abstract of 75 to 150 words that appears at the beginning of the paper. Use the same text that is submitted electronically during the on-line submission process.
Index terms (keywords)
Enter 4 to 6 keywords separated by semicolons. Keywords may be selected from the IEEE keyword list found at:
Major headings appear centered in the column. Subheadings appear in italic capital and small letters. They start at the left margin of the column. All text must be fully justified with single-line spacing. All paragraphs within a section should be indented.
Illustrations and color
Illustrations must appear within the designated margins. They may span the two columns. If possible, position illustrations at the top or bottom of columns, rather than in the middle. Caption and number every illustration. Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively and separately from each other. The illustration number should be an Arabic number for figures and a Roman number for tables followed by a period, e.g. Figure 1. or TABLE I. The caption itself should not be in bold and should be centered below the figure or above the table. All halftone illustrations must be clear in black and white. Color illustrations will appear in the electronic version of the proceedings, but the printed version will be produced in black and white. Therefore, make sure that your illustrations are acceptable when printed in black and white.
Number equations consecutively with Arabic numbers in parentheses placed at the right hand margin of each column.
List all references at the end of the paper. The references should be numbered in order of appearance in the document. Refer to IEEE conference proceedings template for more details.
Use footnotes sparingly (or not at all) and place them at the bottom of the column on the page on which they are referenced. Use 8-point type, single-spaced. To help your readers, avoid using footnotes altogether and include necessary peripheral observations in the text (within parentheses, if you prefer, as in this sentence).
Please do not paginate your proposal. We will add appropriate page numbers to accepted papers when the conference proceedings are assembled.
File format
Papers must be submitted in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF). The conference is required to ensure that documents follow this specification. Simplified requirements for creating PDF files for IEEE Xplore are enumerated in: IEEE Requirements for PDF Documents v3.2 [PDF] The submitted file:Must not be in compressed format, must not have Adobe Document Protection or Document Security enabled, must have ‘A4’ (210 x 297mm) sized pages, must be in first-page-first order, and must have ALL FONTS embedded and subset.
The filename of the document file is not important since the submission system will rename the file but please make sure that you use .pdf extension for the file. After you submit the paper, please make a note of your paper number and use it in all your correspondence.
File size limit
Authors will be permitted to submit a document file up to 4 MB (megabyte) in size. To request an exception, please contact the conference contact person listed above.
- Step 2: Submit the paper electronically.
The following description guides how to submit your paper electronically.
Gathering the required information
When you have your document file ready, gather the following information before entering the submission system: Document file, Name, affiliation, address, and e-mail address of each author, Paper title, Text file containing paper abstract in ASCII text format (for copying and pasting into web page form).
Obtaining an EASYCHAIR account
Please obtain a username and password from the on-line submission system EASYCHAIR. This can be done in any one of following two ways:
If you have used the EASYCHAIR system previously, for this or any other conference, then you already have an account on the system. So, new account should not be created. Simply use your existing account. Your username will be your email. If you cannot remember your password then ask EASYCHAIR to email it to you by following the link EASYCHAIR PASSWORD.
If you are a new user of the EASYCHAIR system, then create a new account by following the link NEW EASYCHAIR ACCOUNT. Please make a note of your username and password as you would need them for subsequent submissions, update personal information, edit existing submissions and submit final manuscripts.Submitting the proposal.Go to the paper submission page.
When you submit your proposal, you will be required to enter the paper title, keywords, abstract text, subject category, and authors’ contact information. You will also be asked to upload the file containing your proposal. Depending on the size of your file and your internet connection speed, the file upload may take a few minutes. If all necessary information has been entered, the system will display a short message giving you the ID number of your paper. You will also receive an e-mail notification with the details of your submission. If you do not see the confirmation page after uploading your file, you may not have successfully completed your file upload. If you encounter trouble, please contact the conference contact person listed above.
- Step 3: Check the ICBATS website for the status of your paper.
Review Process
Your submitted paper will be checked for errors and you will be notified if you need to re-submit your paper. If your submission passes the initial inspection, it will be entered into the review process. Depending on the subject of your paper, the Track Chairs will assign your technical paper to a committee of reviewers (not fewer than two reviewers). The reviewers will review your paper and will rate it according to contribution, quality, relevance, originality, and clarity of presentation. The conference Technical Program Committee will use these reviews to determine which papers will be accepted for presentation during the conference.
Review Results
The Technical Program Committee’s decision will be posted on the website by the “Authors Notifications” deadline. Authors can login using their username and password and check the status of their paper and the reviewer comments. The review result, along with reviewer comments if any, will also be communicated to the submitting authors by email.
- Step 4: Revise accepted papers for final submission.
- If your paper is accepted by the review process for presentation and publication at ICBATS, you should prepare your final manuscript for submission. This will be substantially the same as the submitted paper but must take into account reviewers’ comments. The ICBATS Technical Program Committee reserves the right to reject a final manuscript if the reviewers’ comments are not adequately addressed. When preparing your final manuscript, use the same formatting specifications described above. Final manuscripts not conforming to the required format will not appear in the proceedings.
- Step 5: Verify that your final manuscript is IEEE Xplore compliant.
- Information will be provided to authors after the acceptance.
- Step 6: Submit final manuscript electronically.
Final paper submission
You are required to submit the IEEE Xplore-compliant PDF file of your final manuscript by the “Final Submission and Author Registration” deadline. No extensions will be granted beyond the deadline. Kindly note that one of the authors must register (see Step 8) to enable submission of the final manuscript. Failure to meet the deadline will result in an automatic withdrawal of your paper from presentation and publication. Please follow the steps below to submit your final paper electronically:
- Go to the online submission system EASYCHAIR and log-in using your EASYCHAIR account (this should be the same account you have used to submit the initial paper). Your username will be your email. If you cannot remember your password then ask EASYCHAIR to email it to you by following the link EASYCHAIR PASSWORD REMINDER.
- Click on the “My Papers” menu item at the top of the page. This will produce a list of all your papers on the EASYCHAIR system.
- Click on the title of the paper that you want to submit. This will take you to the individual paper page that contains all details of the paper. Make sure that all author information are stored correctly on EASYCHAIR and matches the information on the PDF file. Author information (e.g. names, affiliations, etc.) that will appear in conference publications and materials (e.g. Proceedings, program, badges, etc.) will be taken from the EASYCHAIR system and not from the submitted PDF file.
- In particular: Make sure that ALL paper authors are included on the author list on EASYCHAIR. If you need to add/delete an author then click on the “Add Author” icon within the “Authors” field.
- Make sure that the order of authors on EASYCHAIR is correct. If you need to change the order of authors then click on the “Move Author Up” and “Move Author Down” icons within the “Authors” field.
- Make sure that all authors update their profile (affiliation, email, country, etc.) on the EASYCHAIR system. To achieve this, the author needs to log-in to his/her EASYCHAIR account and click on the “My Profile” menu at the top of the page.
- Make sure that all paper information are stored correctly on EASYCHAIR and matches the information on the PDF file. Paper information (title, abstract, keywords) that will appear in conference publications (e.g. book of abstracts, proceedings, CD-ROM, etc.) will be taken from the EASYCHAIR system and not from the submitted PDF file. If you need to modify paper information then click on the “Edit” icon next to the “Title” / “Abstract” / “Keywords” field.
- Click on the “Upload Manuscript” icon within the “Final Manuscript” field. This will take you to a new page. Click on the “Browse” button and browse to your IEEE Xplore-compliant final PDF file. Click on the “Upload Manuscript” button to upload the selected file to the system. Depending on the size of your file and your internet connection speed, the file upload may take a few minutes. If the file is uploaded successfully then a confirmation message will be displayed. You will also receive an e-mail confirmation with the details of your submission. If you do not see the confirmation page after uploading your file, you may not have successfully completed your file upload. If you encounter trouble, please contact the conference.
Final paper inspection
Similar to the paper submission, your final manuscript will be checked to ensure that it meets all formatting and compatibility requirements to be included in a visually pleasing and IEEE Xplore-compliant proceedings. If we encounter errors in the appearance or compatibility of your document file, you will be contacted by email.
- Step 7: Submit copyright form electronically
- Every ICBATS paper accepted for presentation and publication must have attached to it an IEEE Copyright transfer form. You are required to submit the IEEE Copyright transfer form by the “Final Submission and Author Registrations deadline. No extensions will be granted beyond the deadline. Failure to submit the IEEE Copyright transfer form by the deadline will result in an automatic withdrawal of your paper for presentation and publication.
- Step 8: Register for the conference.
- The final version of your accepted paper will appear in the conference proceedings provided that at least one of the authors registers. This must be carried out on or before the “Final Submission and Author Registration” deadline. Registration fees and instructions for registration are available under the Registration page.
List of Topics
- Internet of Things
- Applied Sciences
- Business Analytics for Technology
- Machine Learning & Deep Learning
- Web Technologies
- Networking & Communication
- Intelligent IS & Business Analytics
- Big Data & Data Analytics
- Cybersecurity & Privacy
- Blockchain Technology
- Autonomous Vehicles and Drones
- e-Learning & m-Learning Systems
- Computer Vision & Image Processing
- Prof. Ernesto Damiani, Khalifa university, UAE
- Prof. Abdullah Al Shamsi, British University in Dubai, UAE.
- Dr. Uvesh Husain, Mazoon College, Oman.
- Dr. Said Eid Younes, University of Buraimi, Oman.
- Dr. Taher M. Ghazal, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- Prof. Khaled Shaalan, British University in Dubai, UAE
- Prof. Mohammad Kamrul Hasan, Universiti KebangsaanMalaysia
- Dr. Munir Ahmad, Korea University, Republic of Korea.
- Dr. Ali Q Saeed, Northern Technical University, Iraq.
- Dr. Nidal A. Al-Dmour, Mutah University, Jordan.
- Internet of Things (IoT) Applications and Innovations
- Co-Chair: Prof. Khalid Almarri, British University in Dubai, UAE.
- Business Analytics for Technology and Innovation
- Co-Chair: Prof. Alyaa Al-Attar, Northern Technical University, Iraq.
- Machine Learning & Deep Learning for Future Technologies, Computer Vision & Image Processing
- Co-Chair: Prof. Noor Zaman Jhanjhi, Taylor's University, Malaysia.
- Web Technologies: Development, Frameworks, and Innovations
- Co-Chair: Dr. Said Salloum, University of Salford, UK.
- Networking & Communication: Next-Generation Systems
- Co-Chair: Prof. Chan Yeob Yeun, Khalifa University, UAE.
- Intelligent IS & Business Analytics
- Co-Chair: Prof. Tariq Rahim Soomro, Institute of Business Economy, Pakistan.
- Big Data & Data Analytics
- Co-Chair: Prof. Siti Norul Huda, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- Cybersecurity & Privacy
- Co-Chair: Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim, Western University, Canada.
- Blockchain Technology and Applications
- Co-Chair: Dr. Azza Basiouni, Liwa College, UAE.
- Autonomous Vehicles and Drones: Challenges and Opportunities
- Co-Chair: Dr. Amer Ibrahim, UAE University, UAE.
- E-Learning & m-Learning Systems
- Co-Chair: Prof. Rasha Kashef, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada.
- Dr. Nasser Al Musalhi, Mazoon College, Oman.
- Dr. Umar Safdar kiani, University of Buraimi, Oman.
- Dr. Mona El Helbawy, University of Colorado Boulder.
- Ms. Rowaidah M. Al Abdullah, Mazoon College, Oman
- Dr. Suleiman Yerima, British University in Dubai, UAE.
- Dr. Yousef Alhammadi, UAE University, UAE.
- Dr. Ahmed Awad, British University in Dubai, UAE.
- Dr. Fouzi Harrag, Ferhat Abbas University, Algeria.
- Prof. Tarek Gaber, University of Salford, UK.
- Dr. Usman Butt, Ajman University, UAE.
- Dr. Taj-Aldeen Naser Abdali, University of Misan, Iraq.
- Dr. Bashar Almansour, Muscat University, Oman.
- Dr. Majed Almotairi, Indiana Institute of technology, USA
- Prof. Ainuddin Wahid Bin Abdul Wahab, Universiti Malaya,Malaysia
- Dr. Omar Zakaria, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia.
- Dr. Suleiman Yerima, British University in Dubai, UAE.
- Dr. Yousef Alhammadi, UAE University, UAE.
- Dr. Ahmed Awad, British University in Dubai, UAE.
- Dr. Fouzi Harrag, Ferhat Abbas University, Algeria.
- Prof. Tarek Gaber, University of Salford, UK.
- Dr. Usman Butt, Ajman University, UAE.
- Dr. Taj-Aldeen Naser Abdali, University of Misan, Iraq.
- Dr. Bashar Almansour, Muscat University, Oman.
- Dr. Majed Almotairi, Indiana Institute of technology, USA
- Prof. Ainuddin Wahid Bin Abdul Wahab, Universiti Malaya,Malaysia
- Dr. Omar Zakaria, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia.
- Dr. Hussam Al Hamadi, Dubai University, UAE.
- Prof. Fatma Taher, Zayed University, UAE.
- Prof. Eiad Yafi, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
- Dr. Saadaldeen Rashid Ahmed, Bayan University, Iraq.
- Prof. Ahmad Samed Al-Adwan, Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Jordan.
- Dr. Ritu Chauhan, Amity University, India.
- Dr. Khaled Ahmed Nagaty, British University in Egypt.
- Dr. Liaqat Ali, Regent College London, UK.
- Dr. Amer Hani Al-Qassem, Al Dhaid University, Sharjah, UAE.
- Prof. Tahir Alyas, Lahore Garrison University, Pakistan.
- Dr. Saed Mustafa, American University of Kurdistan, Iraq.
- Dr. Hani Q. Al-Zoubi, Mutah University, Jordan.
- Dr. Karamath Ateeq, Skyline University College, UAE.
- Dr. Waleed T. Al-Sit, Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE.
- Prof. Saif A. Alnawayseh, Mutah University, Jordan.
- Prof. Sameh Ghwanmeh, American University in Emirates, UAE.
- Dr. Hrudaya Kumar Tripathy, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, India.
- Dr. Mohamed Karray, École Spéciale de Mécanique et d'Électricité, France.
- Dr. Jesus Cuauhtemoc Tellez Gaytan, Tecnologico de Monterrey.
- Dr. Akram M Zeki, International Islamic University Malaysia.
- Dr. Mohammed Salahat, University of Science and Technology of Fujairah, UAE.
- Dr. Safwan Maghaydah, Abu Dhabi University, UAE.
- Dr. Sophia Rahaman, Manipal Academy of Higher Education Dubai, UAE.
- Dr. Abdallah M. Al-Tarawneh, Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Jordan.
- Dr. Iftikhar Naseer, Superior University, Pakistan.
- Dr. Ahmed A. Elngar, Beni-Suef University, Egypt.
- Dr. Adriana Burlea-Schiopoiu, University of Craiova, Romania.
- Dr. Justyna Żywiołek, Asso, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland.
- Dr. Luis Miguel Cardoso, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
- Prof. Pastor Reglos Arguelles JR, University of Perpetual Help System Dalta, Philippines.
- Dr. Naila Samar Naz, National College of Business Administration & Economics, Pakistan.
- Dr. Yousif Khalid Yousif, Northern Technical University, Iraq.
- Dr. Atif Ikram, University of Lahore, Pakistan.
- Dr. Safiullah Khan, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
- Dr. Sabri Elkrghli, University of Benghazi, Libya.
- Dr. Muhammad Asghar Khan, Institute of Business Management, Pakistan.
- Dr. Nidhi Oswal, Liwa College, UAE.
- Dr. Diego Oliva, University of Guadalajara, Mexico.
- Dr. Mohammed A. Al-Sharafi, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, KSA.
- Dr. Abdalla Elnekiti, University of Wollongong in Dubai, UAE.
- Dr. Ammar Yaser Almansour, Oman College of Management and Technology, Oman.
- Dr. Wesam Alramadeen, Scranton University, USA.
- Dr. Muhammad Tahir Naseem, Yeungnam University, South Korea.
- Dr. Salama A. Mostafa, Alnoor University, Iraq.
- Dr. Oualid Ali, Applied Science University, Bahrain.
- Dr. Muhammad Waqas Nadeem, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia.
- Dr. Muhammad Adnan Khan, Gachon University, South Korea.
- Dr. Omar Rafae Alomar, Northern Technical University, Iraq.
- Dr. Shabib Aftab, Virtual University of Pakistan.
- Dr. Walid Abushiba, Applied Science University, Bahrain.
- Dr. Kawkab Abdul Aziz Al Balushi, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Oman.
- Dr. Nouh Elmitwally, Birmingham City University, UK.
- Dr. M Affan Badar, CPEM, Indiana State University, USA.
- Dr. Muhammad Asif, University of Education, Pakistan.
- Dr. Ateeq Ur Rehman, Gachon University, Republic of Korea.
- Dr. Atif Ali, Multimedia University, Malaysia.
- Dr. Sagheer Abbas, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, KSA.
- Dr. Taleb Bilal Eli, University of Nouakchott, Mauritania.
- Dr. Umer Farooq, Lahore Garrison University, Pakistan.
- Dr. Saju Mathew, Shri Nehru Maha Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, India.
- Dr. Falah Younis Hamode, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, Oman.
- Dr. Valentina E. Balas, University of Arad, Romania.
- Dr. Muhammad Saeed Khan, University of Sargodha, Pakistan.
- Dr. Marwah Alian, The World Islamic Sciences and Education University, Jordan.
- Dr. Aya M. Al-Zoghby, Damietta University, Egypt.
- Dr. Mahmoud Mahfuri, International University for Science and Technology, Syria.
- Dr. Muthmainnah S., Universitas Al Asyariah Mandar, Indonesia.
- Dr. Zdzislaw Polkowski, WSG University Bydgoszcz, Poland.
- Dr. Hanen Himdi, University of Jeddah, KSA.
- Dr. Ahmed J. Obaid, University of Kufa, Iraq.
- Dr. Mohamed Elsersy, Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE.
- Dr. Amhmed Bhih, College of Electronic Technology, Libya.
- Prof. Ibrahim Fathy Moawad, Taibah University, KSA.
- Dr. Fahad Ahmed, National College of Business Administration & Economics, Pakistan.
- Mr. Tauqeer Faiz, University of Wollongong, Dubai, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.
- Dr. Mohammed Hameed Ahmed Al-Taei, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Oman.
- Dr. Subhi H. Hamdoon, Computer Science Department - Education College, Alnoor University, Iraq.
- Dr. Yasmeen Alshehhi, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Oman.
- Mrs. Douha Mohamed Badralddin Saoud, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Oman.
- Prof. Mahesh Luthia, Chetana's Institute of Management and Research (CIMR), India.
- Dr. Hassanin M. Al-Barhamtoshy, King Abdulaziz University, KSA.
Invited Speakers
Dr. Fuad Alattar
Dr. Fuad Alattar is a Senior Vice President with Siemens, managing the Digital Enterprise Services business unit in the Middle East since 2017. He has more than 25 years’ experience in automation engineering, OT Cybersecurity, and digitalization fields, including positions of General Manager, Operations Manager, and Engineering Manager. Throughout his career, he designed the digital systems for dozens of prestigious projects, including the First Smart Multi-Aircraft Docking System in the World, the Largest RO/UF Plant in the World, the Largest Offshore-Onshore Integration Project in the Middle East, and an H2O Award Winning Project.
Dr. Alattar holds a PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence, and he is an active researcher in OT Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Signal Processing, and Natural Language Processing topics. He was selected by ARAMCO standards’ department to carry out Value Engineering for critical process automation and protection systems.
In an era where sustainability is no longer optional but essential, technology organizations are at the forefront of leveraging cutting-edge IoT technologies to redefine industrial operations. This keynote will explore how the digital industries integrate the Internet of Things (IoT) into their solutions to drive sustainable practices, reduce resource consumption, and enhance operational efficiency. From smart factories that optimize energy use to advanced supply chain management that reduces waste, this presentation will highlight practical case studies and transformative innovations.
ICBATS2025 proceedings will be peer reviewed by at least two reviewers based on full paper submission. Accepted papers will be published in the ICBATS proceedings, and will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
Conference will be held in:
- 1st Day (Physically) The British University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE.
- 2nd Day (Virtually) Online sessions via Conference Program
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: info@icbats.ac
Conference Organizers
- British University in Dubai
- Mazoon College in Oman
Conference Strategic Partners
- Center for Cyber-Physical Systems of Khalifa University
- Cyber Security Center of University of Dubai
- Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
- Skyline University College
- University of Buraimi
- École Spéciale de Mécanique et d'Electricité
- United Software and Technologies International
- Cihan University-Erbil.
- Ghazal Leading Projects