![]() | CAS2025: Complex Adaptive Systems 2025 MIT Cambridge, MA, United States, March 5-7, 2025 |
Conference website | https://sdm.mit.edu/cas2025 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cas2025 |
Abstract registration deadline | October 10, 2024 |
Submission deadline | December 2, 2024 |
Adaptability: Transdisciplinary Strategies and Solutions
Today’s product and services systems are multi-faceted, with distinct levels of implementation that entail complex logic with levels of reasoning in intricate arrangement, organized by webs of connections. These systems increasingly demonstrate self-driven adaptability, autonomy, and emergent behavior. The demand for -- and possibility of -- systems adaptability will impact design, manufacturing, and operations across many sectors, including defense, healthcare, energy, transportation, emergency response, agriculture, and society overall.
At the same time, engineering activity for complex systems challenges is increasingly transdisciplinary, from problem framing and concept development to solution implementation. Transdisciplinary engineering is characterized by engagement of multiple technical disciplines along with non-engineering experts and stakeholders. This year’s CAS Conference theme is adaptability of complex systems through transdisciplinary systems and solutions. How we engineer as well as the systems we generate are systems with significant opportunity from adaptability, and risks from lack of adaptability.
CAS 2025 seeks to balance attention to research on advanced methods and domain applications. Domain application studies are invited across a broad range of systems, including mechanical, computational, urban, biological, natural, and services systems. The conference aims to foster innovative methods to address adaptability, including recent advances in autonomy, resilience, AI, complex sociotechnical systems, and system of systems.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Topics relevant to advances in theory and methods for complex adaptive systems are in scope. Topics of interests include but are not limited to the following:
- Adaptability Theory and Methods
- System Adaptability
- Adaptive Systems Theory
- Uncertain Requirement Engineering
- Switching Cost Estimation
- Resilient Systems
- Adaptive System Safety and Reliability
- Modeling of Adaptability in Complex Systems
- Adaptable Software & System Interface
- Adaptability Heuristics
- Adaptable Architectures
- Model-Base Adaptable System Design
- Trade-off Study Theory, Method and Tools
- Risk Management with Adaptation
- Adaptability in INCOSE SE Vision 2035
- Complex System, Systems of Systems
- Dynamic Complex Systems Architectures
- Socio-technical systems
- Adaptive Control
- Dynamical System Analysis
- Agent Systems Modeling and Simulations
- Adaptive System Complexity
- Complex System Modeling
- Systems Domain Studies
- Mechanical Systems
- Adaptive Vehicle Make
- Adaptive Engines and Aircraft
- Meta-X-Complex Systems Architectuers
- Maritime Vessels and Infrastructure
- Computational Systems
- AI for Systems Adaptability
- Adaptability for AI
- Quantum for Adaptive Systems
- Interpreting Adaptation Behaviors
- Adaptive Big Data Analytics
- Social Network Analysis
- Rules of Engagement and Emergent Behavior
- Adaptable Cybersecurity
- Urban Systems
- Smart cities and adaptive city planning
- Sustainable and Circular Construction
- Energy
- Mobility
- Biological Systems and Human Factors
- Bioinformatics and Bio-inspired
- Agriculture
- Healthcare and Medical Devices
- Human Factors and Adaptability
- Natural Ecosystems
- Climate
- Oceans
- Forests
- Beyond LEO
- Service Systems
- Adaptive Acquisition
- Supply Chain Adaptability
- Adaptive Logistics
- Telecommunications
- Mechanical Systems
Founding Chair
- Cihan Dagli, Missouri University of Science and Technology
General Hairs
- Haifeng Zhu, The Boeing Company
- Bryan R. Moser, MIT
Organizing committee
- Brian Sheehan (Hosting Chair- INCOSE New England Chapter)
- Ray Barton (Hosting Chair- INCOSE Canada Chapter)
- Jack Stein (Hosting Chair- Assistant Director, INCOSE America Sector
- VJ Valkand (Financial Chair)
- Nil Ergin (Publication Chair)
- Joseph Hemenway (Publicity Chair)
Technical Program Chairs
- Gioele Zardini, MIT
- Nil Ergin, Penn State University
All questions about submissions should be emailed to cas2025@mit.edu